Planning, Prevention, Protocols, Reaction, Recovery, Reporting; the condensation of risk into more cloud based infrastructure and distance friendly working environments has disrupted the way work is done. This impacts your control environment. Service Provider control interoperability becomes even more key. We are reminded from all corners that resilience it is not just about the technology. In the context of broader governance, its is worth thinking about how such a glacial disruption has an impact on your threat/control interdepedence and record that management action.
We enjoyed moderating a discussion on the key operational resilience issues at the AIMA APAC forum last month to air out the key issues. AIMA members can access the playback here.
Cognitive GRC provided a summary of our key thoughts earlier this year here but you can request a copy of our kitchen sink operational risk analysis here. Let our cognition ignite your concerns into actionable conclusions or just compare your notes with ours and let us know your thoughts.
Once again we thank AIMA for the opportunity and the panellists for their key insight.
Ranjeet Sahni – Dymon Asia (Beaming in from Singapore) Cheryl Law – Ocean Arete Limited Cora Tang – State Street, Alternatives Martin Giggins – Willis Towers Watson Derek McGibney – Cognitive GRC (Moderator)
If you don't know us yet, please refer to our service options and what we do on our website. Cognitive GRC provides solutions to regulated firms in APAC with a network of experienced service partners who excel at what they do. See our latest update here.